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Phone Handset Update

I haven’t gotten very far with the handset idea I had posted earlier. As a matter of fact, I haven’t even started because school started up again.

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Posted in Wireless.

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  1. Penny says

    You'll figure out a schedule for yourself where you will have more free time. I know it's hard starting out on your own, but you are going to do just fine and find your own place in the world. You are a very smart, very gifted, friendly, and caring, young man. You have A LOT going for you, even if you don't believe me. You are going to make it just fine. You just have to believe in yourself. There are a lot of us out here that do believe in you! If you ever need to talk, I've got two ears and am more than glad to listen. Just dial me up or send me a PM at ST.

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