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The Trip

I’m back from the field trip, and it was just like Paramatech. They had these massive plastic pressing machines and all that loud equipment. Under that one warehouse, they must have had like $10 million! Well, I found out that Labcon made plastic pipette tubes for the medical industry. All the parts are made inside that factory, about three million pieces a day. We all got a few samples of their plastic stuff. When the guy took them out of the machine, he instantly contaminated them, so it was either the garbage, or give a bunch out to everybody. He decided to give us all a bunch of stuff. They made those little snapping test tubes that they use on CSI and neat equipment like that.

On the drive back, everybody was going slow. Slow people were in the fast lane, and I had to pass a bunch of people on the right lane. There was this one stupid woman who was trying to get on the freeway. She was in the onramp/offramp to the freeway, since you could exit on that same lane. Apparently she wanted to get on, but since she didn’t have her signal on, I didn’t know. I start passing her, and she slows down, a bunch, because she was at the end of the lane, right before the exit. My passenger said he saw her give out an expression like “Woah!” Then her signal appeared, but by then, I was way past her. She was so dumb.

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