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My 2009 Pumpkins

Yes, these pumpkins are Social Networking favicons!

From left to right: Stumble Upon, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube!

Posted in Photography.

Levi Leipheimer's King Ridge Gran Fondo 2009

I recorded a short video of the start of Levi Leipheimer’s King Ridge Gran Fondo start and morning staging.

Levi just retweeted it!

You can see the video here. It’s in HD!

Posted in Cycling.

Michael Moore in San Francisco

Michael Moore was in San Francisco on Friday to promote his new movie, “Capitalism: A Love Story”.

Here are some HD video clips I recorded.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Posted in Celebrities.

The Office Floorplan

I don’t remember where I came across this picture, but it’s been on my harddrive for a while.

It’s the floorplan to The Office!

Link to the image.

Posted in Television.

Gmail's Autopilot Feature

Check it out here!

Posted in Google.

Google’s New Invention


Posted in Google.

Scenes From The Recession

Scenes From The Recession, a news story in photos.

Check it out here.

Posted in Photography.

Augmented Reality

Check out GE’s Smart Grid advertising scheme here.

You work it by printing out an image generator and then hold that up in front of your webcam. Then watch the magic happen!

Posted in Awesome Stuff.

Unsold Cars Around the World

Wow, just wow.

Posted in Photography.


A great pictorial article from the website chronicling the very different jobs around the world.

You can see it here!

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Posted in Photography.